Peter Rigozzi
Heritage consultant based in Tasmania Australia.
Services include:
• Archival recording of heritage sites, structures, and archaeological works, specialising in 2D and 3D photogrammetric imagery.
• Built-heritage conservation advice and works planning, including condition assessments and statements of heritage impact.
The following imagery is a selection from a 2D and 3D archival recording of a heritage-listed farm slaughterhouse. The pole and slab structure was photographically recorded at high resolution and 12 orthomosaics comprising a full set of elevations and sections were produced at a scale of 1pixel=1mm. Four of the orthomosaics are reproduced below, as is the interactive 3D digital reconstruction of the building.
(Use your mouse to click on and move the 3D model, and the scroll wheel to zoom in and out)
• Phone: 0408503438 (+61408503438)
All content © Copyright Peter Rigozzi 2000-2025